According to a statement from the Finnish multinational, the test took place in the Hrvatski Telekom laboratory in Rijeka (Croatia). This is the latest generation of optical networks, which increases the speed of download and transmission to unprecedented levels, so the Rijeka laboratory-measured a speed of 20 gigabits per second, the company said.
Sandy Motley, President, Fixed Networks at Nokia, said: “25G PON, which is available today with our Quillion powered fibre nodes, is an easy solution to immediately add scale and capacity and only requires a change in optics for operation.”
Telekom CTO Boris Drilo Hrvatski said: “This demo shows that our FTTH network is fully compliant with the cutting-edge PON technology that will radically increase the capacity, bandwidth, and quality of our broadband service in the future. By already deploying Nokia’s single multipurpose G/XGS-/25G PON platform, we are showing exciting capabilities of the largest fibre network in Croatia capable of the fastest possible speeds.”
According to Nokia, 25G PON technology is ten times faster than GPON technology, which enabled HT for the first time with gigabit broadband access in 2007 and two and a half times faster than XGS-PON technology applicable in the HT network from 2021.
Dependant on the optics chosen, 25G PON supports symmetrical bitrates (25Gb/s in downstream and 25G in upstream) and asymmetrical bitrates (25/10).